Tamara Gordon

Film Producer | Director

Tamara Gordon has 18 years of professional self-shooting experience from around the world. She has worked as a Director and Producer for the BBC, Channel 4, the United Nations, South African Broadcasting Association amongst others.

Her films have won many internationally renowned awards. Her expertise in self shooting came from her initial training with an MA in Visual Anthropology in 1989. Her films achieve a rare intimacy from contributors whilst focusing on highly sensitive issues around human rights and identity.  She has become used to working abroad in often volatile enviroments, adapting on the job.  Nearly all her films have been of her own volition and then secured commission.

Awards Summary

Click through to view films where available


Commission For Racial Equality Award Award

Amnesty International Human Rights Award

Video Diaries. Sad, Mad or Bad. Sunshine 13

BBC Community Programmes Unit


Monte Carlo Special Judges Award

Monte Carlo Golden Nymph Award

Royal Television Award

Amnesty International Human Rights Media Award

Getting Away With Murder

BBC Correspondent



Cry of Freetown: Documentary Award

Channel 4


Screen Nation Television Awards

Second Chance: Documentary Award

Channel 4


Grierson Documentary Award

Belonging: Shortlisted Best Cinema Documentary

Carlton TV


Misty Television Award

Borderline: Documentary Award


The National Film School {UK}

BBC Training

The Media Peace Centre (South Africa)


2016 – In Development

The British Truth and Reconciliation Commission 

Role: Producer |Director

The British Truth and Reconciliation Commission



Channel: Independent Distribution

Role: Producer|Director

A call for independent thinking in an increasingly polarised world, told through the tale of a small Welsh border town.


Film: Belonging

Channel: ITV

Role: Producer | Director

A personal and political look at how Cambodia is, and isn’t, reconciling with its past and trying to move on from Year Zero.


Cry of Freetown

Channel: Channel 4

Sorios Samuras shocking portrayal of the fall of Freetown in Sierra Leone. The film led to British Troops going in as a peacekeeping mission.


Good Morning Albania

Channel: BBC

Role: Producer | Director

An insider’s perspective on the workings of Nato during the Kosovan conflict.


Balkan Video Nation

Channel: BBC

Role: Producer | Director

Personal video diaries from the grassroots from all sides during the Kosovan conflict.


BBC Correspondent

Role: Producer | Director

Six films as part of the award winning series shot in Bolivia, Norway, South Africa x2, Jordan, and Indonesia.


Getting Way with Murder

Channel: BBC

Role: Producer | Director

The first major international film on the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission. The film went on to win multiple awards, and was requested for a special screening for the US President before he went to South Africa.


Search For Common Ground: Video Dialogues

Channel: South African Broadcasting Commission

Role: Producer | Director

A film covering the groundbreaking process of conflict mediating with video cameras. The township, outside Johannesburg had experience the worst black on black violence of South Africa post independence.


The Commander and the Kid

Channel: SABC

Role: Producer | Director

A film covering the creation and conflicts of Johannesburg’s most notoriously violent gangs in the power vacuum created in the post Apartheid “peace”.


The World Through Kids Eyes

Channel: UNICEF

Role: Producer | Director

3 films based around the UN Rights for the Child, filmed in India, Philippines and South Africa.


Video Diaries. Sad, Mad or Bad. Sunshine 13

Channel: BBC

Role: Producer | Director

3  BBC Video Diaries.
One a personal testimony from within the mental health system in the UK.
The second a story of repatriation to the West Indies from the UK.
The third how British Asians are manipulating traditions in multicultural Britain to cross the divide.


Women at the Peace Table

Channel: UNIFEM

Role: Producer | Director

3 controversial BBC Video Diaries.
Women’s role in peace building

The Hague Appeal For Peace (UNIFEM)

Presentation on the role of the media in conflict resolution.

The Mendola Centre for Peace (Zambia)

Responsible Journalism in covering conflicts.

University of Natal (South Africa) –

Presentation on the Democratisation of the Media in the New South Africa.



MA Film and Anthropology

Manchester University


BA Hons 2:1 Politics, Philosophy and Anthropology

Manchester University


+44 7787 827769

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